One of the most common questions I get from clients preparing for their family photo sessions is simply, “What should we wear?” I get it. You want your photos to look good. You want to look coordinated, but you do not want to give the early 90’s all denim family Awkward Family Photo vibe (or hey, maybe you do). Here are some of my suggestions to make sure you all look and feel your best!

Think about your location

When choosing your outfits it’s important to also keep your location in mind. You’ll want to go for a similar aesthetic to your surroundings and try to coordinate the colors from there. I always suggest neutrals as they tend to be more “timeless”. For example, if you’re taking fall family photos surrounded by yellow aspens, you may want to avoid bright summer colors such as pink. 

Wear what you feel comfortable and confident in

This may seem obvious but if you’re not feeling great in your outfit it’s going to come across in the photos. Your movement will be more restricted and less natural. Have you ever worn a pair of jeans that maybe felt a little too tight? Well you won’t be able to interact with your kids as easily if you’re concerned about not being able to squat down or lean forward. Not used to wearing heels or a dress? Your photos probably aren’t the time to experiment with that.

Choose a color palette

This is huge when it comes to avoiding being too matchy but looking like you all coordinated. You can pick a color such as blue then tie in colors from there such as white, beige, tan, and brown. 

Beware of patterns

One person wearing a pattern can be fine but be careful as too many patterns can clash! Depending on the fabric designs and patterns can be tricky. Sometimes stripes have a tendency to be unflattering or with movement and not stay, well, straight.